
Sharing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy at Activity of Macao New Chinese Youth Association

Sharing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy at Activity of Macao New Chinese Youth Association


By |7 10 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈Sharing and Promotion of Occupational Therapy at Activity of Macao New Chinese Youth Association〉中留言功能已關閉

Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety at Macanese Association

Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety at Macanese Association


By |11 7 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈Seminar on Occupational Health and Safety at Macanese Association〉中留言功能已關閉

Notice about the Postponement of CAREhab2020


如想進一步了解新加坡目前疫情,可進入此網址:Singapore Ministry of Health

By |7 2 月, 2020|Categories: Poster|在〈Notice about the Postponement of CAREhab2020〉中留言功能已關閉